Below is a reasonable map of Tarn. There are of course
other cities and major landmarks throughout Tarn, but this will give you a
general sense of the geography.
Ruins of Sylvanore - The once-grand home of the high
Easlen - The capital of Elysia, seat of the Golden
Scarborough - A county in Elysia; a farming community.
Dhazad-Kul - The dwarven city, based in Elysia.
The Cove - A fishing village, under the dictate of the
Teziir - The main port city of Lanakh, governed by the
Simbani Village - A primative village of tribes-people.
Kahiki Isle - Home of the katti, cat-people of the
Icewall - Stronghold of the minotaurs, in the icy reaches of
Mordavia - Capital of Labyria, ruled by the Dominion of the
Iron Claw.